June 27, 2013

It’s f***ing Escape from New York!

Sometimes you just have to rant. I’ve witnessed the escalation of bad behavior for too long without saying something. I am so tired of people lacking any concern about how their behavior might affect someone else. I’ve got a f**king laundry list of examples – please pardon my poor behavior while I vent!

The directional? It’s that stick on the side of your steering wheel.  Use it because when you don’t you f**k with the overall flow of traffic and motorcyclists (aka human beings) get hit and get hurt.

The three-feet from a cyclist rule? Obey it. That’s because your f**king heavy vehicle will cause serious injury to the person riding the bicycle. Even if they are wearing a helmet.

The stop sign? It’s not a suggestion or a f**king guideline. It’s there for a reason. The pedestrian, walking their dog, depends on you to stop and doesn’t appreciate being brushed back to the walk.

The no left turn sign? That means DO NOT TURN LEFT onto this street. Because children play here and when you make the ILLEGAL left you f**king race up the street to get away from the scene of your crime. And that’s when kids and animals get hurt.

That awesome conversation? Not at the concert. Some people actually came to listen to the music, not be seen at an event. I don’t care that you’ve heard this before on whatever digital format you listen to. This is a LIVE experience and you are f**king it up for everyone around you.

The street is not a trash can. Who do you think has to pick up your sh*t when you throw it out your car window?

Please a bit of awareness about how your actions impact others…there is really no good excuse…

And then, today, at about 5:10 P.M., at one of the busiest intersections in town, I saw a man stop his car in traffic…and rescue a large turtle that was about to attempt crossing the road. He stopped his car and chased that turtle down without apparent thought that he might get hurt. And I took a deep breath and I applauded. Because I needed the reminder, from someone else, that most people have good hearts and do care about the least of us.

Music that resonates:
Welcome to the Jungle -- Guns N' Roses

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